Please accept my thanks for the excellent "coverage in depth" which was so evident in your report on the Fourth Annual Convention of the Mattachine Society, Inc., in your September issue under the byline of Sten "ussell. She told not only who spoke, but what they said something that is seldom done so well.
I wish also to express gratitude for the fine support given to the attachine convention by members and friends of the Daughters of "ilitis, evident from attendance by women of the sessions.
Hal Call, Editor Mattachine Review
I received the September issue this morning and find I have to answer one or two things i:mediately. First to .. of Jeoker, Ind., the book you ask about is a very rare biography entitled "Chase of the "ild Goose" by Mary Louisa Gordon, published by the Hogarth Press in England in 1936.
It concerns the life and love affair of Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby, known to literary history as the "Ladies of Llangollen" because they ran away from their aristocratio Irish homes together and went to live in the beautiful valley of Llangollen in ales. They lived together in harony for 50 years before death separated them.
They left be ind for posterity a journal ritten primarily by the elder of the two, Lady Putler. This all took place, by the way, between 1750 and 1800. I doubt if you will be able to obtain the book to buy, but it can be gotten to read by inter-